Saiou Tokiwazu is the artist Traditional Japanese music, Shamisen player. The shamisen is the most popular instrument in Edo era(1600-1872) in Japan.She plays the Shamisen, sometimes telling old stories, sometimes sings songs.
1:The patience and the passion
photo by Daniel Gendre,Swiss, respective photographer
Saiou says; “I have three important duty as the player of the Japanese classical music.
-Firstly, inherit the tradition of ancient people.
-Secondly, playing Shamisen music for modern people.
-Thirdly, passing down sprits of traditionl Japan to the next generation.
It is to express a Japanese heart that I value most. That is, passion, and patience.
-A heart to love nature and the four seasons of the own country.
-A heart to love a family and a friend, a lover.
-A heart that it is understood and respects the partner who met newly.
I play the Shamisen wearing Japanese traditional folk costume, kimono. Kimono is a very symbolic costume of ‘the patience’.
However, I also have’the passion’ as a person living in modern Tokyo.
Life is a journery of seeking the truth; it may be seeking the truth of the passion and the the patinece.”
2:The passion in mind-The restricting of movement sometimes bears the strong passion.
photos by Tomoyuki Nagata, photographer ,nice friend
3:The calm-The moment is no sounds includes the limitless worlds.I pray for her dancing goes well at the moment of no sounds.
photo by Ryuta Yamaguchi, Kyoto friend
4:The smile-Smiling is only for private reliable friends.The traditional Japanese musician is not permitted in time of the formal performance. Restricted smile is sometimes the role as traditional Japan music artist.
5:The meeting different culture-the different culture is worth meeting, however it sometimes contains difficulties. It brings me a lot of experiences, and new ideas.
Difficulties of understanding sometimes brigs sadness or anxiety. The most wise way of understanding is having a good
smile, I know.
photo by Ryuta Yamaguchi,friend in Kyoto
photo by Daniel Gendre,Swiss
photo by Yukiko Yamashita : commercial photographer, reliable friend
photo by Asako
・・・ Profile and Works
Saiou Tokiwazu:artist,musician,Shamisen player
born in Tokyo, September 18.
teached Shamisen at TOHO MUSIC COLLEGE(extension center)
Work at traditional Japan music concert for junior high school student:she has been woking for it more than ten years.
TV work with actor / January,2016/perfomance and teaching
Publishig: photo of playing at taraditional Jpananese music conert has been published in the textbook for Junior high school students,Ongakuno-okurimono
Movie work with Calligraphy / April,2017
Work for the insurance company’s web site with actor
Work at radio program / August,2017
Publsisehd in Chinese newspaper;中国新報 / May 1,2018
Works of Educational lecture and music performance / elemental school attached national university / Oct 2018/Shyomyo (monk music), Shamisen, and drum percussion
Flyer of Art of Tokyo in Swiss/ March 2017photographer:Daniel Gendre,Swiss
Works of concerts and lives-Sakura-concert(traditional Shamisen music concert)1-7, Salon Concert of Shamisen and strories 1-12, Shamisen live of Japanese Ghost stories1-6 and so on
photos by Yukiko Yamashita, commercial photographer
with thanking for saiou’s many friends, musicians, and …